***************学術論文誌 (Peer-reviewed Journal Papers)*****************

  1. 中野航基, 澤田秀之:
    シャボン膜の表面張力波を利用した音の可視化と音高認識, 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.62, No.10, pp.1737-1747, 2021年10月
  2. Xiaojie Chen, Kewei Ning, Hiroki Shigemune and Hideyuki Sawada:
    “An untethered soft robotic fish using SMA wires and its performance analysis,”
    International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation,
    Vol.8, No.4, pp.229-240, 2021
  3. Naoki Moriya, Hiroki Shigemune and Hideyuki Sawada:
    “A robotic wheel locally transforming its diameters and the reinforcement learning for robust locomotion,”
    International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation,
    Vol.9, No.1, pp 22-31, 2022
  4. Gembong Edhi Setyawan, Hideyuki Sawada and Pitoyo Hartono:
    “Combinations of Micro-macro States and Subgoals Discovery in Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Path Finding, ”
    International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, IJICIC 18(2), pp. 447-462, 2022, DOI:10.24507/ijicic.18.02.447

**********査読付国際会議論文 (Reviewed International Conference Papers)************

  1. Haruo Igarashi and Hideyuki Sawada:
    “Touching 4D Objects with 3D Tactile Feedback”,
    International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI2021),
    pp. 132-138, July 2021
  2. Masato Yamada, Hiroki Shigemune, Shingo Maeda, Hideyuki Sawada:
    “Investigation of the behavior of Marangoni-driven oleic droplet in different humidity,”
    2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2021),
    December 19th, 2021
  3. Hiroki Shigemune, Hideyuki Sawada, Shingo Maeda:
    “Behavior of active paper in different humidity conditions,”
    2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2021),
    December 20th, 2021

***************国内学会発表 (Domestic conferences)*****************

  1. 熊坂叡士, 澤田秀之:
    外骨格で形状固定した自走油滴の3次元内部対流シミュレーション, ROBOMECH2021, 2P2-J11, 2021年6月
  2. 野口実香, 山田賢杜, 澤田秀之:
    静電相互作用を利用した複数自走油滴の挙動制御, ROBOMECH 2021, 2P2-J01, 2021年6月
  3. 斧田拓海, 澤田秀之:
    揮発性液体を用いた水滴内のマランゴニ対流の生成と制御, ROBOMECH 2021, 2P2-J03, 2021年6月
  4. 五十嵐治雄, 澤田秀之:
    振動モータアレイを用いた触覚グローブによる多様な幾何形状の提示, 情報処理学会 第84回全国大会, 1ZF-01, 2022年3月
  5. 岩名紘基, 重宗宏毅, 澤田秀之:
    形状記憶合金ワイヤの振動特性の計測, 2022年電子情報通信学会総合大会, C-6-1, 2022年3月

***************基調講演、招待講演 (Keynote Speech and Invited Talks)*****************

  1. Keynote Speech, Hideyuki Sawada:
    “Socio-Economic Changes with AI and Robots ,”
    7th KKU International Engineering Conference, May 12th, 2021
  2. Invited Talk, Hideyuki Sawada:
    “Displaying Tactile Sensation using SMA Actuators and Sensors,”
    28th International Display Workshops, December 1st, 2021
  3. Invited Talk, Hideyuki Sawada:
    “A shape-memory alloy wire that generates micro-vibration while sensing force,”
    2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2021),
    December 20th, 2021

*************** 表彰 (Awards) *****************

  1. 奨励賞, 大矢隆晟, 澤田秀之:
    日本電子材料技術協会 第58回秋期講演大会, 2021年11月25日


  1. 陳毅文, 福地晴也, 山倉拓也, 澤田秀之:
    かがわ産業支援財団, 2021年8月26日